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This is the Official website of the Magi Society and the only authorized website for Magi Astrology™ | ||||
September 22, 2022
Wouldn’t it be just great if you could begin to dramatically change your life for the better by making just one really big move? The great news is that you can! But you have to know how to do it perfectly. We have been explaining that whatever you do for the first time, when you do it, you create a birth chart for what you did and the success of failure of what you did actually depends on the astrology of the birth chart. We call this process NATALIZATIONS – please click here to read more about natalizations. On our website, we have provided you with many examples of how well Magi Astrology works through natalizations. And Queen Elizabeth is another great example of this. In fact, twenty two years ago, we wrote an article explaining why the marriage chart of Queen Elizabeth was so great – she had just celebrated her 50th anniversary at the time. You may read that article about the Marriage Chart of Queen Elizabeth II by clicking here. She natalized her marriage on a great astrological day while she was having great Cinderella Transits and the marriage became an historic example of an amazingly happy and successful marriage. She also had an amazing reign as Queen of Britain.
If a king or queen has really bad transits on their coronation day, their reign will end in tragedy. England’s King Charles I is a good example – he was overthrown, imprisoned for treason and beheaded by Oliver Cromwell. Not good. But Queen Elizabeth II was having great transits when she became Queen (the day she was coronated). That is one of the main reasons she was the longest reigning British monarch, and why she was very much beloved by her people. So if you wish to gain an advantage over everyone else, be sure to begin important things only when you are having really good transits. The easiest and best way to find out and what type of transits you or anyone else will have is to use the Magi Society’s mobile web app, the MagicalOracle. The MagicalOracle is so easy to use that you need only to understand the rudimentary basics of Magi Astrology – the program does the rest for you. Below are two Magi Astrology Charts showing that Queen Elizabeth II was having great transits when she officially became queen on June 2, 1953 (the charts were created by the Magi Society’s MagicalOracle Mobile webapp):
The Queen was having lots of wonderful Grand Trines made by transiting planets to her natal Jupiter, which by the way is representative of the monarch (we now know that Odin also is a ruler of the monarch). Grand Trines are the best type of transits you can have. The chart below shows Queen Elizabeth II was also having lots of wonderful Grand Trines to her natal Midas – this foretells she was going to be super rich – this was obviously the case because for decades, she was the wealthiest woman in the world.
MAGICALORACLE PROVIDES YOU WITH AMAZINGLY ACCURATE INTERPRETATAIONS FOR EVERY IMPORTANT TRANSIT We made a lot of improvements in the MagicalOracle mobile webapp The Advanced version automatically (at the click of a couple of buttons) calculates and lists all of the important transits and by clicking just one more button, you get to read the Magi Society’s highly acclaimed copyrighted interpretations for all the important transits. Here is a screenshot of those three buttons you need to click on the MagicalOracle webapp to get interpretations for all the important good transits (Magical Transits):
On another tab of the MagicalOracle webapp, you can do the same for the Tricky Transits (the not so good transits, and also get a listing of those transits and also great interpretations for them as well). Below are some of the interpretations for the Magical Transits that Queen Elizabeth II had when she officially became Queen:
Below are some more interpretations of the transits the Queen was having on here coronation day:
MAGICALORACLE TELLS YOU MORE The MagicalOracle tells you more about your transits than you ever thought possible. If you would like to better plan your life, you should consider subscribing to our MagicalOracle. You do not have to be a member to subscribe but Magi Society members do receive a discount. Members pay just $95 per year, non-members pay only $125 per year. Until the economy turns around and get better, we will give you the Advanced version with interpretations at no extra cost. If you are interested in learning more about MagicalOracle, or you wish to subscribe, please click here.
HOW YOU CAN LEARN MAGI ASTROLOGY AND GAIN THE MAGI ADVANTAGE Only Magi Astrology helps you to better understand the past and helps you better predict the future so that you can improve the future for yourself. Magi Astrology is easy to learn and is the only form of astrology that actually helps you to improve your life. With Magi Astrology, you can improve your love life and your career; and you can avoid heartbreaks in both love and business. This may sound like quite an exaggeration but please judge for yourself. We invite you to a free download of the first 14 chapters of our third book by clicking here. Reading these chapters is the best way to begin to learn Magi Astrology. MAGI ASTROLOGY REALLY WORKS! Since 1999, we have been able to consistently use the simple rules of Magi Astrology to explain the love life of hundreds of famous people on our websites because Magi Astrology Really Works. This website has hundreds of articles all backing up the fact that Magi Astrology Really Works. If you would like to gain the Magi Advantage and improve your life, please consider joining the Magi Society. We are an "open" society, meaning anyone is welcome, and you are not obligated to help the society in any way if you become a member. EVERY MEMBER RECEIVES FREE SOFTWARE program from us called: ASTROGEOMETRY SOFTWARE Membership is still just $80 for the first year and $55 for each additional year. The Magi Society is the world’s largest association of astrologers with over 5500 members in 39 countries worldwide. The Magi Society provides all of our members’ free software that is so versatile you can use it to cast charts for both Traditional Astrology and Magi Astrology. Of course our software includes the Saturn/Chiron and Saturn/Jupiter midpoints. But only Magi Society software can help you to fully utilize Magi Astrology principles because only Magi Society software helps you see Planetary Geometry and the true alignments of the planets. Magi Society members may also purchase optional interpretations upgrades that provide not only superbly accurate interpretations but also great advice that give you the Magi Advantage. There are other valuable benefits of membership in the Magi Society. We offer a free Certification Program for our members who would like to build a career as a professional astrologer, either full time or part time (and if you join us for at least five years). We also hold Magi Astrology Workshops by conference calls so that our members may more easily learn Magi Astrology. If you would like information on our software and/or other membership benefit, please click here.