![]() Astrology of Compatibility, Love and
Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey
Married On A Heartbreak Day On Thanksgiving Day, 2005, Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey announced that they were indeed separating, confirming what had been rumored for quite a while in the tabloids. To their fans, this is a heartbreak because just three years ago the fairytale couple began starring in a reality TV show which followed the cinderella couple's first years as newlyweds and made them truly famous...but it is an even bigger heartbreak we are sure for Jessica and Nick. Both Jessica and Nick seem like such nice people...why did things go so wrong between them? The Magi Society knows that the answers are always in the stars. Some of these answers can be found by studying the charts of Nick and Jessica...but their astrology does not stop there. In this case, there is an even more important chart. The chart of their wedding day indicates the likely nature and likely outcome of the marriage. In our first book, Astrology Really Works, we put forward the very important principle of MIDPOINT EQUIVALENCE. This principle simply states that the MIDPOINTS of the planets are every bit as important, and behave in every single way, exactly like the individual planets. The only difference is that while each of the planets has its own distinct symbolism, a midpoint, being made up of two planets, is instead a FUSION or a MELDING TOGETHER of those two planets' symbolisms to create an even more precise, even more specific meaning/symbolism. There are many midpoints...every planet creates a midpoint with every other planet...but there are certain midpoints which are more powerful and important than others. In our third book, Magi Astrology : The Key to Success in Love and Money, the Magi Society introduced to the world the phenomenally important and accurate symbolisms of Chiron. Some of the most important symbolisms of Chiron include The Soulmate, Committed Relationship, Destiny, Trust and Marriage. In fact , Chiron is THE crucial factor in being able to determine whether or not two people can be soulmates and will or will not fall in love. In teaching the world about how the astrologers of the Magi Society have long been considered unparalleled in their accuracy, we have also underscored the importance of understanding that Saturn is symbolic of all things that are tragic, negative, delusional, failures and destructive...and we have taught our readers that one of the ways to avoid heartbreak is to learn Magi Astrology so that you can avoid beginning a relationship with someone that forms a Heartbreak Clash with your chart. The Heartbreak Clash is the name that we give to certain stressful and turbulent alignments of Saturn and Chiron between two charts. Using the symbolisms of Saturn and Chiron, this clash indicates a Failed (Saturn) Committed Relationship or Marriage (Chiron). It also indicates the Destruction (Saturn) of Trust (Chiron). Magi Astrology is always CONSISTENT. If the Saturn-Chiron clash is 'bad', it stands to reason that the Saturn/Chiron midpoint would likewise be 'bad'...and it is! In fact three times in the past we have made a special point to teach this to our readers, using three tragic examples. In helping to explain the astrology of the World Trade Center attacks, we taught how the stars were indicating it was a type of a Heartbreak Day. One of those indicators was that the Sun in the sky on that day was aligned in a turbulent angle with the Saturn/Chiron midpoint. We have also written that the Saturn/Chiron midpoint in Camilla Parker-Bowles natal chart made a turbulent alignment to Chiron in Diana's chart, and that this was indicative of Camilla being able to have a destructive influence on Diana's life and marriage. Lastly we made a special point of teaching our readers that on the day that she was married, Laci Peterson was having multiple Heartbreak Transits; transits to both her Venus and her Chiron, from the Heartbreak Midpoint of Saturn/Chiron. This was a sure sign from the stars that Scott was the wrong person for Laci and that she should have called the marriage off because the marriage was likely to end in heartbreak...or worse. That is why at The Magi Society we were sad to learn that Jessica and Nick had decided to marry on just that same type of astrological day, but why we were not surprised when we learned of their separation. ![]() A day when the Sun in the sky makes a turbulent alignment with the Saturn/Chiron midpoint is a Heartbreak Day. While there is never anything indicated in the stars which is inevitable, the likelihood of a marriage begun on such a day ending in Heartbreak is simply too strong. To say 'I do' on such a day is to take far too great a risk. The Saturn/Chiron midpoint can be every bit as deceptive and insidious as the Saturn-Chiron clash. The day of the World Trade Center attack was an absolutely clear brilliant day...a day that 'seemed' on the surface almost too good to be true. Laci Peterson likely had great hopes when she married Scott that she had found her tall dark and handsome Prince Charming. Jessica and Nick likewise probably hoped for a dream come true...and it seemed wonderful for a while, but has ended up differently than they expected. We wish both of them well, and pray that they find happiness in the future. We also hope that our readers will learn to use the principles Magi Astrology so that they can avoid making a heartbreaking mistake. The Magi Society believes that astrology is the gift of a Benevolent Creator to help us to attain our dreams...and sometimes on the way to attaining our dreams, we must first learn how to see and avoid a heartbreak. |
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